फ़ेक देना
फ़ेक देना
= RELEGATEउदाहरण : मकान मालिक ने धमकी दी कि अगर उन्होंने समय पर किराया नहीं दिया तो उन्हें अपार्टमेंट से फ़ेक देंगे।Usage : she likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues
फ़ेक देना
= JETTISONउदाहरण : मैंने सारे पुराने अख़बार फ़ेक दिए।Usage : he jettisoned his responsibilities towards his family.
फ़ेक देना
= BINUsage : Please throw the trash in the bin.
फ़ेक देना
= CATAPULTUsage : it 's been catapulted to international glory.
फ़ेक देना
= SLINGUsage : do not slinge the books as they are very useful to me.
फ़ेक देना
= DISCARDUsage : Syringes should be discarded after use.
फ़ेक देना
= CHUCKUsage : he got the chuck from his job for absenteism.
फ़ेक देना
= JUNKUsage : I junked all the old newspapers.
फ़ेक देना
= TURF OUT OFUsage : the landlord threatened to turf out of the apartment if they didn't pay the rent on time.
फ़ेक देना
= TURF OUTUsage : the landlord decided to turf out the unruly tenants for not paying rent.
फ़ेक देना
= DOFFUsage : he respectfully doffed his hat as the bride walked down the aisle.
फ़ेक देना
= REJECTUsage : patch failed. please review the failure messages. examine and remove any rejected files.
फ़ेक देना
= CLEAR OUTUsage : to get citizens to clear out clogged storm drains.
फ़ेक देना
= THROW DOWNUsage : the magicians said: "moses, will you throw down or shall we be the first to throw?"
फ़ेक देना
= DETRUDEUsage : she decided to detrude all the negative thoughts from her mind.
फ़ेक देना
= DISSEATUsage : the new company policy may disseat some employees from their comfortable positions.